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Packaging the Custom Application

Now that the hardest part of creating the Custom Partition is done, package the CP for UMS. You are already familiar with most of the steps from earlier in this tutorial.

  1. Compress the CP Contents into chromium-browser.tar.bz2

  2. Upload the compressed file to UMS as a new File.

  3. Write the *.inf Metadata File with 400M as size.

  4. Upload the *.inf Metadata File to UMS as a new File.

  5. Create a Profile for the CP with the Initializing Action set to:
    /custom/chromium-browser/custompart-chromium-browser init
    and the Finalizing Action set to:
    /custom/chromium-browser/custompart-chromium-browser stop

  6. Create a Custom Application with the Command set to:

  7. Assign the CP to a new thin client in order to test everything.

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