Menu path: Setup > Network > VPN > OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > Proxy
Here, you can set up an optional proxy server for the VPN connection.
If you use a proxy, select the value tcp-client under Options > Communication protocol to the host.
Proxy type
None: Direct connection to the Internet.
HTTP: HTTP proxy will be used.
SOCKS: SOCKS proxy will be used.
Details for HTTP proxy
Proxy address: Name or IP address of the proxy server
Proxy port: Port on which the proxy service is available
Retry indefinitely when errors occur
☑ In the event of errors, repeated attempts to establish a connection via proxy will be made.
☐ No further attempts to establish a connection will be made (default).
Ceredentials for HTTP
Proxy username: User name for the proxy server
Proxy password: Password for the proxy server