Menu path: Setup > User Interface > Desktop > Screen Lock/Saver > Screensaver
Screen background color: Color palette for determining the background color of the screen.
Enable image display
☑ An image will be shown as the screensaver. (default)
File for screen saver logo: Complete path for an individual image file or directory that contains an unlimited number of images. If no path is given, the IGEL logo will be used.
If you enter a folder instead of a single image file as the source, all images in the folder will be displayed as a slide show, the display time for the images can be configured.
One image per monitor
☑ If a number of monitors are used, a different image will be shown on each one. (default)
☐ Images will be distributed over the monitors.
Image duration: Time in seconds until the image is changed. (default: 10)
Image display mode: Type of display. The following are available to choose from:
Small-sized hopping - Small images are shown in changing positions.
Medium-sized hopping - Larger images are shown in changing positions.
Full-screen center cut-out - The images are shown in full-screen size. However, they may be clipped.
Full-screen letterbox - The images are shown as large as possible in relation to the screen size.
Clock display monitor: Selects the monitor on which the clock is to be shown. The following are available to choose from:
A specific monitor
Show seconds: Shows the seconds too in digital format.
Clock display size: The following sizes are available to choose from:
Horizontal clock position
Vertical clock position
Clock background color: Color palette for determining the background color of the clock.
Clock background opacity percentage: 75% is preset.
Clock foreground color: Color palette for determining the foreground color of the clock.