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Menu path: Setup > Sessions > X Sessions > [session name] > Server

Connection type: Connection type for the XDMCP session

Possible options:

  • Indirect via localhost: At startup, the thin client generates a list of found XDMCP hosts. The user can select a host. 

  • Indirect: At startup, a list of XDMCP hosts is displayed. This list is generated by the server specified under Name or IP of server. The user can select a host.

  • Direct: The login mask of the host specified under Name or IP of server is displayed

  • Broadcast: The thin client starts a broadcast request. The login mask of that XDMCP host is displayed which responds first.

  • Local display: The command specified under Command to be displayed is run.

Name or IP of server: Hostname or IP address of the XDMCP server

Command to be displayed: Command to be executed. The display is set in the DISPLAY environment variable.

Access control

☑ Access to this display from other computers will be controlled.

Terminate after one session

☑ The session is terminated when the user has logged out from the remote server.

Use quit hotkey

☑ The session can be terminated with a hotkey. A hotkey consists of one or more modifiers and a key.

Modifiers: A modifier or a combination of several modifiers for the hotkey. You can select a set key symbol/combination or your own key symbol/combination. A key symbol is a defined chain of characters, e.g. Ctrl. Here, you will find the available modifiers and the associated key symbols:

  • (No modifier) = None

  • image-20240610-112123.pngShift

  • [Ctrl] = Ctrl

  • image-20240610-112209.pngSuper_L

  • [Alt] = Alt

Key combinations are formed as follows with |:

Ctrl + image-20240610-112204.pngCtrl|Super_L

Quit hotkey: Key for the hotkey

To enter a key that does not have a visible character, e. g. the [Tab] key, open a terminal, log on as user and enter xev -event keyboard. Press the key to be used for the hotkey. The text in brackets that begins with keysym contains the key symbol for the Key field. Example: Tab in (keysym 0xff09, Tab)

Use fullscreen

☑ The XDCMP session is displayed in fullscreen mode.

Use fullscreen restricted to workarea

☑ The thin client's local taskbar is visible.

Window size: Window size for the XDMCP session. Default: 640x480

Color depth: Color depth for the XDMCP session. 

Possible options:

  • Same as display: The system settings for the thin client is used.

  • 256 colors

  • 65535 colors

  • True Color (24)

  • True Color (32)

Color allocation policy

Possible options:

  • Default

  • Mono

  • Gray

  • Color

Start monitor: Selects the monitor on which the XDMCP session ist displayed.

Possible options:

  • No configuration: The monitor is selected according to already existing windows and to the current position the mouse pointer.

  • 1st monitor

  • 2nd monitor

  • Fullscreen on all monitors

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