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Menu path: Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Sessions > [Session Name] > Server

Server: Name or IP address of the ThinLinc server

User: User name for the connection to the ThinLinc server

Password: Password for the connection to the ThinLinc server

Session passwords are stored with reversible encryption. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to store the session password on the endpoint device. 

Use global SSH port settings

☑ The port set under Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Global > Server will be used. (Default)

☐ The port set in SSH port or Custom port number will be used.

SSH port
Possible values:

  • Default SSH (22): Port 22 is used. (Default)

  • HTTP (80): Port 80 is used.

  • Custom: Under Custom port number, you can enter an alternative port number.

Custom port number: Alternative port number

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