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User Account for the VoIP Client

You can set up or change one or more user accounts as well as specify the name displayed.

Menu path: Setup > Sessions > VoIP Client > User Account

  • Full Name: Name of the user; this name will be shown to the other person. Example: John Doe

To set up an SIP user account, proceed as follows:

Ensure that the VoIP client was terminated before you start setting up or changing a user account. Changes will only be saved if the client is not running.

  1. Click image-20240610-194438.png .

  2. If the user account is to be active once set up, enable the Enable Account option.

  3. Enter the following data:

    • Protocol: Select SIP.

    • Name: Name for this user account.

    Choose a name which allows a distinction to be made easily between a number of user accounts.
    • Registrar: URI with which the VoIP client registers. This can be a DNS name or an IP address.

    • User name: Numerical or alphanumerical value. The user name is part of the SIP address. Example: john.doe in

    • Login Name: Numerical or alphanumerical value. Name with which the VoIP client registers on the registrar. This name can differ from the name given under user name.

    • Password: Password with which the VoIP client registers on the registrar

    • Registration Update Timeout: Timeout after which the registration should be updated (Default: 3600)

  4. Click Ok.
    The user account has been set up.

To set up an H.323 user account, proceed as follows:

Ensure that the VoIP client was terminated before you start setting up or changing a user account. Changes will only be saved if the client is not running.

  1. Click image-20240610-194454.png .

  2. If the user account is to be active once set up, enable the Enable Account option.

  3. Enter the following data:

    • Protokoll: Wählen Sie H323.

    • Name: Name für dieses Benutzerkonto.

    Choose a name which allows a distinction to be made easily between a number of user accounts.
    • Gatekeeper: URI with which the VoIP client registers. This can be a DNS name or an IP address.

    • User name: Numerical or alphanumerical value. Example: john.doe in

    • Passwort: Password with which the VoIP client logs on to the registrar

    • Registration Update Timeout: Timeout after which the registration should be updated (Default: 3600)

  4. Click Ok.
    The user account has been set up.

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