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VNC Display

Menu path: Setup > Sessions > NoMachine NX Client > [Session Name] > VNC Display

This area is active if the parameter Setup > Sessions > NoMachine NX Client > [Session Name] > Session is set to "VNC".

These settings are only relevant up to NoMachine NX Server Version 3.5.

Display: Size of the display area that is used for the session
Possible values:

  • 640x480

  • 800x600

  • 1024x768

  • Available area

  • Fullscreen: The session will be shown in full-screen mode, i. e. stretched across the entire screen. (Default)

  • Custom: The width and height can be freely defined.

  • Multimonitor Fullscreen

  • Width: Width of the display area for the session (default: 800)

Height: Height of the display area for the session (default: 600)

Use custom settings

☑ The image transmission properties can be changed on the client side.

☐ The image transmission properties are specified on the server side only. (default)

  • Use both JPEG and RGB compression: JPEG compression (results in losses) as well as RGB compression (loss-free) will be used. The level of JPEG compression will be adjusted dynamically depending on the compressibility.

  • Use JPEG and RGB compression, and use custom JPEG quality: JPEG compression (results in losses) as well as RGB compression (loss-free) will be used. The level of JPEG compression is specified by the parameter JPEG quality.

  • Only use JPEG compression: Only JPEG compression (results in losses) will be used. The level of JPEG compression will be adjusted dynamically depending on the compressibility.

  • Use JPEG compression and custom JPEG quality: Only JPEG compression (results in losses) will be used. The level of JPEG compression is specified by the parameter JPEG quality.

  • Only use RGB compression: Only RGB compression (loss-free) will be used.

  • Use plain X bitmaps: The images will be transmitted as bitmaps without compression.

  • JPEG quality: If Use JPEG and RGB compression and define JPEG quality or Use JPEG compression and define JPEG quality is enabled, the quality of images in JPEG format can be defined (default: 6).

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