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Menu path: Sessions > RDP > RDP Global > Window

In this area, you can configure the window for RDP sessions.

You can change the following settings:

Number of Colors: Specifies the color depth.
Possible values:

  • 256

  • Thousands

  • Millions

Window size: Specifies the width and height of the window.

  • Full-screen: The session is shown on the full screen. The device's taskbar is not visible.

  • Work area: The session is shown on the full screen, minus the area needed by the device's taskbar.

  • Numeric details: The session is shown in the selected resolution or on the selected percentage of the screen area.

Desktop scale factor: Specifies the desktop scaling in percent. Select a value from the selection list or enter a percentage value manually.

Desktop scaling is supported from Windows Server 2012 or higher and from Windows 8.1 or higher.

Possible values:

  • Automatic: The resolution set under User Interface > Display > Options > Monitor-DPI will be used for the RDP session.

  • Numeric details: The display will be magnified by the factor given here. Value range: 100% - 500%

Set the Desktop scale factor to a fixed value of 100% to allow server-side desktop scaling take effect. All values other than 100% overwrite the server-side setting.

Enable Display Control

☑ The window size can be changed during the session. (Default)

If the window size is to be changed during the session, at least Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 must be running on the server.

It is not possible to change the window size during the session if Window size is set to full-screen or workarea.

Control Bar for RDP-Sessions

☑ A control bar for minimizing and closing a full-screen session will be shown.

☐ No control bar will be shown. (Default)

If the symbol bar is enabled, a session will be shown on one monitor only, even if Multimonitor fullscreen mode is set to Expand full-screen session across all monitors.

Multimonitor full-screen mode - If more than one monitor is connected to the terminal:

  • Restrict full-screen session to one monitor

  • Display full-screen session on all monitors

  • Expand full-screen session across all monitors

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