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Zero-Touch Deployment Using Universal Firmware Update

This method is the most convenient way to upgrade from IGEL OS 10 to IGEL OS 11. The method uses the Universal Firmware Update feature of the UMS (Universal Management Suite) and a profile.

Read all the following chapters carefully and follow the instructions.

  1. IGEL Devices That Can Be Upgraded to IGEL OS 11 1

  2. Important! Consider This Before Upgrading 1

  3. Preparing the Upgrade 1

  4. Testing the Upgrade to OS 11 in Zero-Touch Deployment

  5. Checking the Requirements

  6. Creating the Universal Firmware Updates

  7. Creating a Profile 1

  8. Deploying the Licenses for IGEL OS 11

  9. Putting It All Together

  10. Executing the Upgrade 3

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