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Additional Serial Ports

Menu path: Setup > Devices > Printers > TCP/IP > Additional Serial Ports

TCP/IP printers on additional serial ports

→ Click on to add TCP/IP printers to the list.
A mask with the following settings options will open:

  • Activate TCP/IP printer on this interface

    ☑ Maps the interface defined below in a TCP/IP port.

    ☐ Disabled (default)

  • Device name: The printer can be connected to one of the following connections, provided that they are available on the device:

    • USB COM1

    • USB COM2

    • Perle COM1

    • Perle COM2

Data are forwarded bidirectionally at serial interfaces. This means that other serial devices such as barcode scanners or scales can be operated too.

  • Search for devices...: Opens a dialog allowing you to select the device file. 3 device files are available for each device; the Designation column shows the type of device file:

    • (GENERIC) [device designation]: Generic type. The name of the device file ends in a consecutive number which depends on the boot procedure or the order of insertion. Example: /dev/ttyUSB0

    • (BY PORT) [device designation]: According to USB port. The device file is in the /dev/usbserial/ directory. The name of the device file ends in the number of the USB port that the device is plugged into. Example: /dev/usbserial/ttyUSB_P12

    • (BY USBID) [device designation]: According to USB ID. The device file is in the /dev/usbserial/ directory. The name of the device file ends as follows: _V[Vendor ID]_P[Product ID]. Example: /dev/usbserial/ttyUSB_V067b_P2303

  • TCP/IP port number: Port on which the interface is to be mapped (default: 9100).

  • Poll criterion: Criterion according to which the interfaces are mapped.

    • Always: Maps constantly without polling.

    • DSR (M1): Maps only if the relevant line is set by the serial device.

    • DCD (M5): Maps only if the relevant line is set by the serial device.

  • Poll frequency: Amount of time between polls (default: 1 sec)

  • Speed: Input and output speed (default 9600 baud).

  • Parity: Parity bits that are to be used. Possible values:

    • None

    • Even

    • Odd

  • Stop bits: Use up to two stop bits. (default: 1)

  • Word width: Sets the number of bits used per byte.

    • 5

    • 6

    • 7

    • 8

  • Use RTS/CTS flow control

    ☑ Hardware flow control will be used.

    ☐ Not used (default)

  • Use XON/XOFF flow control

    ☑ Software flow control by sending start/stop signs will be used.

    ☐ Not used (default)

  • Use DSR flow control

    ☑ Hardware flow control with DSR for output will be used.

    ☐ Not used (default)

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