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Desktop Integration

Menüpfad: Setup > Network > VPN > OpenConnect VPN > [session name] > Desktop Integration

Session Name: Name for the session

The session name must not contain any of these characters: \ / : * ? “ < > | [ ] { } ( )

Starting Methods for Session

Start Menu

☑ The session can be started from the start menu. (Default)

Application Launcher

☑ The session can be started with the application launcher. (Default)


☑ The session icon will appear on the desktop. (Default)

Quick Start Panel

☑ The session can be started from the quick start panel.

☐ The session cannot be started from the quick start panel. (Default)

Desktop Context Menu

☑ The session can be started form the desktop context menu.

☐ The session cannot be started from the desktop context menu. (Default)

Application Launcher folder: Path to the application launcher folder

Password Protection: Specifies which password will be requested when launching the session.
Possible values:

  • None: No password is requested when launching the session.

  • Administrator: The administrator password is requested when launching the session.

  • User: The user password is requested when launching the session.

  • Setup User: The setup user's password is requested when launching the session.


☑ The session can be started with a hotkey. A hotkey consists of one or more modifiers and a key.

Modifiers: A modifier or a combination of several modifiers for the hotkey. You can select a set key symbol/combination or your own key symbol/combination. A key symbol is a defined chain of characters, e.g. Ctrl.

Do not use [AltGr] as a modifier (represented as Mod5). Otherwise, the key that is configured as a hotkey with AltGr cannot be used as a regular key anymore. Example: If you configure [AltGr] + [E] as a hotkey, it is impossible to enter an "e".

These are the pre-defined modifiers and the associated key symbols:

  • (No modifier) = None

  • image-20240625-114442.pngShift

  • [Ctrl] = Ctrl

  • image-20240625-114450.pngMod4

When this keyboard key is used as a modifier, it is represented as Mod4; when it is used as a key, it is represented as Super_L.

  • [Alt] = Alt

Key combinations are formed as follows with |:

  • Ctrl + image-20240625-114516.pngCtrl|Super_L

Key: Key for the hotkey

To enter a key that does not have a visible character, e. g. the [Tab] key, open a terminal, log on as user and enter xev -event keyboard. Press the key to be used for the hotkey. The text in brackets that begins with keysym contains the key symbol for the Key field. Example: Tab in (keysym 0xff09, Tab)

Appliance mode access: Determines whether the session can be started in appliance mode. By default, appliance mode implies that one session is running on the device exclusively. For further information, see Appliance Mode.

☑ The session can be started in appliance mode. The following starting methods can be used in appliance mode:

  • Desktop (desktop icon; not in appliance mode XDMCP for this Display)

  • Desktop Context Menu (not in appliance mode XDMCP for this Display)

  • Application Launcher (includes Application Launcher's system tab; not in appliance mode XDMCP for this Display)

  • Hotkey

  • Autostart (not in appliance mode XDMCP for this Display)

☐ The session cannot be started in appliance mode. 

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