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Native USB Redirection

Menu path: Sessions > RDP > RDP Global > Native USB Redirection

USB devices can be permitted or prohibited during an RDP session on the basis of default rules. Sub-rules for specific devices or device classes are also possible. The use of rules is described under USB Access Control.

Enable either Native or Fabulatech USB Redirection – not both together. For details on Fabulatech USB Redirection, see Fabulatech USB Redirection for RDP in IGEL OS.

Disable USB redirection if you use DriveLock. Further information can be found under Using DriveLock with IGEL Devices.

Enable native USB redirection

☑ Native USB redirection is enabled and you can define default rules below.

☐ Native USB redirection is not enabled. (Default)

Default rule
Possible values:

  • Deny

  • Allow


To secure your endpoint, it is generally recommended to set Default rule to Deny and to configure Allow rules only for the required USB devices and USB device classes. 

Class Rules

Class rules apply to USB device classes and sub-classes.

To manage rules, proceed as follows:

→ Click image-20240610-074514.png to create a new entry.

→ Click image-20240610-074529.png to remove the selected entry.

→ Click image-20240610-074545.png to edit the selected entry.

→ Click image-20240610-074558.png to copy the selected entry.

Add a class rule:


  • Deny

  • Allow

Class IDSelection list

Subclass IDSelection list

NameFree text entry

Device Rules

Device rules apply to specific USB devices.

Add a device rule:


  • Allow

  • Deny

Vendor ID: Hexadecimal manufacturer number

Product ID: Hexadecimal device number

Getting USB Device Information

To find out the Class IDSubclass IDVendor ID and Product ID of the connected USB device, you can use the System Information tool. For further information, see Using System Information Function.

System Information example:

Alternatively, you can use the command lsusb (or lsusb | grep -i [search term]) in the terminal.

Example for lsusb:

Name: Free text entry

See also an overview and best-practice recommendations for the use of webcams under Webcam Redirection and Optimization in IGEL OS.

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