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Notes for Release 11.09.150

Release Date:2023-12-06
Release Note:VersionRN-1109150-1
Last update:2023-12-06

The Release Notes of IGEL OS 11.09.150 are also available in the following formats:


Addendum to the Notes for Release 11.09.150

Please note the following notes concerning the registry key iia.hide_horizon_apps_on_chooser:

  • With iia.hide_horizon_apps_on_chooser enabled, if the user only has one desktop assigned, the desktop will be launched (honors Imprivata VDA policy setting).
  • KNOWN ISSUE: With the iia.high_horizon_apps_on_chooser setting enabled, the app filter engages too quickly and you will see an error message:  “Entitlement Not Found”.
    Resolution:  Disable this setting.
    Result: If the user has more than one Horizon desktop resource, the chooser will show both desktops and apps (no filter applied).
    This will be fixed in an upcoming agent release.
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