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Menu path: Setup > Accessories > System Log Viewer > Options

Here, you can add additional files to the files shown by default. The System Log Viewer function shows the following files by default:

  • /config/Xserver/card0

  • /config/Xserver/xorg.conf-0

  • /config/sound/card0

  • /config/sound/card1

  • /config/sound/default_card_name

  • /var/log/Xorg.0.log

To add a further file to the display, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on image-20240610-204933.png .

  2. In the Add dialog, enter the path and the file name of the desired file. Example: /var/log/igfmount.log

    If you want to add several files, you can also use the asterisk *. Example: /var/log/*.log or  /var/log/*.txt

  3. Click OK.
    When the System Log Viewer function is started, the file that you have added will be shown.

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