Setup User Permissions - Define Access to IGEL Setup Areas
In the IGEL OS, you can define passwords for different authorization levels (e.g. administrator, setup administrator, setup user, etc.) to protect the system against unauthorized changes, see Password - Restrict Access to IGEL OS Components. If a password was set up for the administrator, the IGEL Setup can only be opened with administrator rights, i.e. after entering the administrator password. However, it can sometimes be necessary to provide access to individual areas of the IGEL Setup for the user. This is usually required to allow the user to change settings like the system language, right/left-handed mouse, keyboard layout, timezone, etc. if they are not preconfigured via a profile.
The following article explains how to specify which options in the IGEL Setup should be visible and/or configurable for the setup user. For details on configuring permissions for the setup administrator, see Setup Administrator Permissions - Define Access to IGEL Setup Areas.
Menu path: Accessories > Setup > Setup User Permissions
To enable setup pages for the user, proceed as follows:
In the Setup, go to Accessories > Setup > Setup User Permissions and enable those areas to which the user is to have access. Possible settings:
Setup Page
not visible
not visible
not visible
This is an example of possible settings:
If you enable a setup page on the lower levels, the node points required for access will automatically be marked as visible (but blocked for editing purposes).
Example: If you activate all sub-nodes under Display (see the screenshot above), the higher-level Display node will still be marked as , and, therefore, settings on the Display page itself will be invisible for the setup user. This means you have to actively mark the higher-level node as if editing has to be enabled.
If not already done: Under Security > Password, enable the password for the administrator and the setup user.
If users are to be allowed to edit parts of the Setup even without a password, create a quick setup session, the password for the setup user will not be enabled in this case.
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