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Touchpad Advanced

Further settings are possible here:

Corner coasting

☑ You can continue scrolling if your finger reaches the corner when scrolling vertically or horizontally along the touchpad edges.

Circular scrolling

☑ You can scroll in a circle. In the selection menu, specify where circular scrolling is to begin.

Circular scrolling enabled at
All Edges
Top Edge
Top Right Corner
Right Edge
Bottom Right Corner
Bottom Edge
Bottom Left Corner
Left Edge
Top Left Corner

Tap and drag gesture

☑ You can move items by tapping and dragging them.

Locked drags

☑ The tap and drag gesture ends only after an additional tap; it will otherwise end when you let go.

Palm detect

☑ Avoids triggering a function accidentally with the palm of your hand. The function must be supported by the device.


☑ ClickPads are permitted. These are touchpads with so-called integrated soft buttons on which physical clicks are possible.

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