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The IGEL OS Desktop

You can operate the device via the taskbar and the IGEL menu.

The following items can be found in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen:

IGEL_Startmenu v10 Opens the IGEL menu.

Quick Start Panel

Application Launcher 32x32 Application Launcher: Opens a dialog window with start symbols for sessions.

IGEL setup 32x32 Setup: Opens the IGEL setup.

Symbol for sessions: Launches a session.

Window bar

Allows you to switch between open windows.

System tray

image-20240609-204352.png CPU power plan: Changes the power saving settings.

image-20240626-121652.png Volume control

image-20240626-121659.png Allows you to remove a USB stick safely

image-20240626-121703.png Local network connection

image-20240626-121706.png Time / date

The IGEL menu offers the following areas and functions:

  • Sessions: Allows you to launch sessions

  • System: Allows you to launch system programs

  • About: Shows all relevant system information

  • Search window: Allows you to find sessions and functions in the start menu

  • image-20240609-204538.png Allows you to shut down the device

  • image-20240609-204617.png Allows you to restart the device

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