About Window
In the About window, accessible via the
Product: Information regarding the installed firmware
Firmware Release Date
Firmware Version
Product ID
Product Name
License Information: Expiration dates of available licenses
Network: Computer name, hardware address, and IP address of the device
Local Name
Default Gateway (only with valid network connection)
DNS Server (only with valid network connection)
Universal Management Suite
Interface [number name]:
Hardware Address
IP Address
If the network status changes, the details will automatically be updated. To force an update, click on .
Boot Mode
CPU Model
Device Type
Flash Size
Graphic Chipset
Memory Size
Total Operating Time
Unit ID (equal to MAC address (UD, UDC) or serial number (UD Pocket))
Licensed Features: List with all firmware features for which a license is available
You can copy individual entries via the context menu (right mouse button).