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Menu path: Setup > Sessions > Parallels Client > Parallels Client Sessions > [Session Name] > Connection

In this area, you can specify the settings for the connection between the Parallels Client and the server.

Application Server

Primary Server: Name or IP address of the primary application server.

Secondary Server: Name or IP address of the secondary application server. The secondary application server is used if the primary application server cannot be contacted.

Connection Mode
Possible values:

  • "Gateway Mode": This mode is suitable if the Parallels Client does not have access to a physical server and no special demands as regards security apply. The Parallels Client establishes a connection to the Parallels SecureClientGateway via port 80. The RDP sessions runs in a tunnel within this connection. (Default)

  • "Direct Mode": This mode is suitable if the Parallels Client has direct access to a physical server. The Parallels Client establishes a connection to the Parallels SecureClientGateway via port 80 in order to negotiate connection data for the RDP session with the application server. The Parallels Client then terminates the connection to the gateway and establishes the session with the application server. This mode is the most efficient because the connection to the gateway is temporary and the data traffic is correspondingly low.

  • "Gateway SSL Mode": This mode is suitable if the Parallels Client does not have access to a physical server and there are high demands as regards security. The Parallels Client establishes a connection to the Parallels SecureClientGateway via port 443. The RDP sessions runs in a tunnel within this connection.

  • "Direct SSL Mode": This mode is suitable if the Parallels Client has direct access to a physical server and there are high demands as regards security. The Parallels Client establishes a connection to the Parallels SecureClientGateway via port 443 in order to negotiate connection data for the RDP session with the application server. The Parallels Client then terminates the connection to the gateway and establishes the session with the application server.

Port: Port for communication with the application server. (Default: 80)


Use system credentials

The system-wide logon data will be used for logging on to the application server (single sign-on). This option can be used if the local device logon takes place via Kerberos. The logon data saved temporarily when logging on to the device will be used for the user name and password.

The logon data given under User name, Password, and Domain will be used when logging on to the application server. (Default)

User: User name when logging on to the application server.

Password: Password when logging on to the application server.

Session passwords are stored with reversible encryption. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to store the session password on the endpoint device. 

Domain: Domain when logging on to the application server.

Enable support for FIPS 140-2 compliance

The support for FIPS 140-2 standard is enabled.

The support for FIPS 140-2 standard is disabled. (Default)

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