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Custom Setup

Menu path: Accessories > Conky System Monitor > Custom Setup

On this Setup page, you can customize Conky in full. For details, see

Custom Options

You can find the configuration options of Conky under, section "Configuration Settings".

To add a custom option:

  1. In the Custom Options area, click image-20240611-092311.png .

  2. Enter the name and the value of the option and click Ok.

  3. In the main window, click Apply or Ok.
    If Conky is already running, you can see the effect immediately.

Custom Text

In this area, you can define the complete text body of Conky. You can find the relevant details under, section "OBJECTS/VARIABLES". The configuration is stored at /etc/conky/conky.conf

To add or edit the custom text:

  1. In the Custom Text area, enter your configuration text.

  2. In the main window, click Apply or Ok.
    If Conky is already running, you can see the effect immediately.

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