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Device Support

Menu path: Setup > Sessions > Citrix > Citrix Global > Mapping > Device Support

In this area, you can enable virtual ICA channels for communicating with various devices connected to the device.

The devices supported are listed in the IGEL Third Party Hardware Database.

DriveLock channel: The virtual DriveLock channel is implemented on the device. The channel must also be installed on the Citrix server.
DriveLock can read hardware data from local USB devices and transfer these data to the Citrix server with the help of the Virtual ICA Channel Extension. From IGEL Linux Version 10.03.500, this is also possible with SATA devices. When using whitelists, rules based on the hardware properties of the connected drive (e.g. manufacturer details, model and serial number) are taken into account.

Important information regarding DriveLock can be found in the FAQ Using DriveLock with IGEL Devices.

  • A virtual channel for DriveLock is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for DriveLock is enabled. (Default)

deviceTRUST channel

  • A virtual channel for deviceTRUST is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for deviceTRUST is enabled. (Default)

Crossmatch DigitalPersona fingerprint channel

  • A virtual channel for Crossmatch DigitalPersona is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for Crossmatch DigitalPersona is enabled. (Default)


Diktamen Channel for Dictation

  • A virtual channel for Diktamen is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for Diktamen is enabled. (Default)

Grundig MMC-Kanal for dictation with Grundig devices

  • A virtual channel for communication with Grundig devices is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for communication with Grundig devices is enabled. (Default)

Nuance channel for dictation: Virtual audio channel for dictation devices. Dictation microphones from Grundig, Philips and Olympus are supported.

This channel is only responsible for audio transmission. The channel for dictation device operating elements is manufacturer-specific and must be enabled separately.

  • The Nuance audio channel is enabled.
  • The Nuance audio channel is not enabled. (Default)

Olympus Channel for dictation

  • A virtual channel for communication with Olympus devices is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for communication with Olympus devices is enabled. (Default)

signotec signature pad channel

  • A virtual channel for communication with signotec signature pads is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for communication with signotec signature pads is enabled. (Default)

StepOver signature pad channel

  • A virtual channel for communication with StepOver signature pads is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for communication with StepOver signature pads is enabled. (Default)

Philips speech channel for dictation

  • A virtual channel for communication with Philips dictation devices is enabled.
  • No virtual channel for communication with Philips dictation devices is enabled. (Default)

DPM server drive: Via this drive, the Philips PocketMemo dictation device makes the voice recordings available to the server. (Default: P)

The dictation device is automatically assigned to the selected drive letter. Ensure that no other Hotplug storage device is assigned to this drive letter. Further information can be found under Hotplug storage device and Drive mapping.

SpeechAir server drive: Via this drive, the Philips SpeechAir dictation device makes the voice recordings available to the server. (Default: S)

The dictation device is automatically assigned to the selected drive letter. Ensure that no other Hotplug storage device is assigned to this drive letter. Further information can be found under Hotplug storage device and Drive mapping.

Kofax SPVC signature pad channel

  • The Kofax SPVC signature pad channel is enabled.
  • The Kofax SPVC signature pad channel is not enabled. (Default)


Lakeside SysTrack channel

  • The Lakeside SysTrack channel is enabled.
  •  The Lakeside SysTrack  channel is not enabled. (Default)


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