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Fabulatech Redirection for AVD in IGEL OS

The Fabulatech redirection of webcams and scanners as well as the common Fabulatech USB redirection can be enabled or disabled. The Fabulatech USB redirection can be controlled based on class rules and device rules. The use of rules is described in detail under USB Access Control.

Important Notes

  • For the Fabulatech USB Redirection, a server-side component is required. We recommend the USB for Remote Desktop IGEL Edition; see For details on the configuration, see Please note that licenses must be purchased from Fabulatech to enable this functionality.

  • Enable either native USB redirection or Fabulatech USB Redirection – not both together.

  • Disable USB redirection if you use DriveLock.

  • Ensure that no other hotplug storage device (USB memory stick) is connected before you enable Fabulatech USB redirection. Otherwise, the hotplug storage device is insecurely removed.

  • Generally, Fabulatech USB Redirection might not be the ideal solution for each use case. For details, refer to the general device redirection recommendations of your terminal server or VDI vendor.

Menu path: Sessions > AVD > AVD Global > Plugins > Fabulatech

You can enable or disable all Fabulatech redirections for each individual session; go to Sessions > AVD > AVD Sessions > [Session name] > Plugins and set Fabulatech Webcam/Scanner/USB Redirection accordingly. For more information, see Plugins.

Fabulatech Webcam Redirection

 Fabulatech webcam redirection is enabled.

Fabulatech Scanner Redirection

 Fabulatech scanner redirection is enabled. 

Fabulatech USB Redirection

 Fabulatech USB redirection is enabled. 

Default rule

This rule will apply if no special rule was configured for a class or a device.
Possible options:

  • Deny (Default)

  • Allow


To secure your endpoint, it is generally recommended to set Default rule to Deny and to configure Allow rules only for the required USB devices and USB device classes. 

Class Rules

Class rules apply to USB device classes and sub-classes.

Managing rules:

image-20240610-200219.png Create a new entry

image-20240610-200231.png Remove the selected entry

image-20240610-200239.png Edit the selected entry

image-20240610-200247.png Copy the selected entry

Class rule properties:


  • Allow: Devices that have the properties defined here are redirected by the Fabulatech USB Redirection.

  • Deny: Devices that have the properties defined here are not redirected.

Class ID: Device class

Subclass ID: Subclass relating to the specified device class

Name: Free text entry

Override serial: Serial number that will appear in the session

Override name: Device name that will appear in the session


The USB device is only removed from the system (endpoint device) when the session starts.

The USB device is no longer shown immediately after the system is booted.

This setting is only effective if the Takeaway parameter is enabled.


The USB device may be removed from the system (endpoint device).

The USB device may not be removed. (Default)

No Reset

The device will not be automatically reset after the connection with the session has been terminated.

The device will be reset after the connection with the session has been terminated.

Device Rules

A device rule applies to a specific device that is identified by its serial number.

Device rule settings:


  • Allow

  • Deny

Vendor ID: Hexadecimal manufacturer number

Product ID: Hexadecimal device number

Getting USB Device Information

To find out the Class IDSubclass IDVendor ID and Product ID of the connected USB device, you can use the System Information tool. For further information, see Using System Information Function.

System Information example:

Alternatively, you can use the command lsusb (or lsusb | grep -i [search term]) in the terminal.

Example for lsusb:

Name: Free text entry

Override serial: Serial number that will appear in the session.

Override name: Device name that will appear in the session.


The USB device is only removed from the system (endpoint device) when the session starts.

The USB device is no longer shown immediately after the system is booted.

This setting is only effective if the Takeaway parameter is enabled.


The USB device may be removed from the system (endpoint device).

The USB device may not be removed.

No Reset

The device will not be automatically reset after the connection with the session has been terminated.

The device will be reset after the connection with the session has been terminated.

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