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Menu path: Sessions > IBM iAccess Client > IBM iAccess Session >  [session name] > Screen > Font

Fixed Font

Use a fixed font.

Use no fixed font. (Default)

Fixed Font Size

Possible values:

  • 8

  • 10 (Default)

  • 12

  • 14

  • ...

  • 58

Font Scaling

Font is scaled. (Default)


Antialiasing is activated.

 Antialiasing is diabled. (Default)

Font Name

Possible values:

  • IBM3270 (Default)

  • Monospaced

  • Courier 10 Pitch

  • DejaVu Sans Mono

  • Liberation Mono

  • Lucida Sans Typewriter

  • Numbus Mono L

  • PComm Session

  • Ubuntu Mono

Font Style

Possible values:

  • Plain (Default)

  • Bold

  • Italic

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