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Horizon Client Global Performance

Menu path: Setup > Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Performance

In this area, you can optimize the performance of Horizon Client sessions.

You can change the following settings:

PCoIP client-side image cache size: Specifies the size of the cache for images. Caching parts of the display reduces the amount of data to be transferred.
Possible values:

  • 50 MB

  • 100 MB

  • 150 MB

  • 200 MB

  • 250 MB

  • 300 MB

Larger cache sizes of 250 MB or more should only be used if at least 2 GB RAM or more is available.

Lakeside SysTrack 

☑ The Lakeside SysTrack is enabled.

☐ The Lakeside SysTrack  is not enabled. (Default)

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