Menu path: Setup > Parallels Client > Parallels Client Sessions > [Session Name] > Network
Here, you can configure a proxy for communication between the Parallels Client and application server.
Use proxy server
☑ A proxy is used for communication between the Parallels Client and the application server.
☐ A direct network connection is used for communication between the Parallels Client and the application server. (default)
Proxy type: Type or protocol of the proxy used
Possible values:
- HTTP 1.1
Proxy host: URL of the proxy
Proxy port: Port of the proxy (default: 8080)
Use proxy credentials: If a proxy demands a logon, this option must be enabled and the logon data must be entered under Proxy user and Proxy password.
☑ The logon data in Proxy user and Proxy password will be sent to the proxy.
Proxy user: User name when logging on to the proxy
Proxy password: Password when logging on to the proxy. The password is relevant if either the “SOCKS 5” or “HTTP 1.1” protocol is selected as the proxy type.