New Features 11.10.100
- Updated Citrix Workspace App to version 2402.
Available Citrix Workspace Apps in this release: 2402 (default), 2311 and 2010 - New features:
Synchronize multiple keyboards at session start. All available keyboards on client are synchronized with VDA after the session starts in full-screen mode.
Parameter Synchronize multiple keyboards at session start
Registry ica.wfclient.SyncKbdLayoutList
Value false (default) / true
Support for Audio volume synchronization. Synchronize audio volume between the VDA and connected audio devices.
Parameter Support for Audio volume synchronization
Registry ica.module.EnableVolumeSync
Value true (default)/ false
- Default values of the following have been changed as per Citrix.
- Enable Packet Loss Concealment to improve audio performance. "ica.module.PacketLossConcealmentEnabled = True"
- Loss tolerant mode for audio. "ica.module.EdtUnreliableAllowed = True"
Use system Audio in MS Teams while screen sharing.
Parameter Use system Audio in MS Teams while screen sharing
Registry ica.module.EnableVolumeListener
Value false (default)/ true
Enhanced Desktop Viewer toolbar [Technical Preview]
Parameter Enhanced Desktop Viewer toolbar
Registry ica.wfclient.ToolbarVersion
Value 0 (default)/ 1
Customize toolbar [Technical Preview]. From this version onwards, it is possible to activate or deactivate each button individually instead of the entire toolbar.
Parameter Show USB device button
Registry ica.module.DevicesButtonVisible
Value true (default)/ false
- Note: Similarly, you can activate or deactivate the following buttons in the toolbar. They are all activated by default.
ica.module.SwitchDesktopButtonVisible Include system audio while screen sharing in MS Teams
Parameter Share system audio
Registry ica.teams.sharesystemaudio
Value false (default)/ true
Specify the minimum and maximum range of UDP ports for Microsoft Teams optimization. If the UDP Port cannot be allocated for any reason, the WebRTC falls back to TCP. Minimum range of UDP ports for Microsoft Teams optimization.
Parameter UDP Port range minimum
Registry ica.teams.PortRangeMin
Value 3000
Maximum range of UDP ports for Microsoft Teams optimization.
Parameter UDP Port range max
Registry ica.teams.PortRangeMax
Value 3100
- Fixed lock of browser in kiosk mode, when URL or navigation bar are blocked:
Firefox asks the user using a dialog to query for permissions of the current website for location access, microphone and camera use, notifications and auto-play of media streams.
In recent Firefox versions this locks the browser in case the URL-input or even the whole navigation bar are not shown. - To prevent, following policies / parameters are added:
If permissions are needed, these must be granted for the specific websites in advance. Note that wild-cards in the URLs cannot be used.
These websites, depending on the type of permission, must be added here:
IGEL Agent for Imprivata
- Updated IGEL Agent for Imprivata to version 1.0.0.
- Added Features:
- Changed FUS (Fast User Switching) to be a standalone IGEL Session.
- Removed `rfideas-only barrier� for virtual channel.
- Changed running text to show only the username.
- Improved logging.
- Introduced new parameter to insert command to execute on FUS user switch or logout:
Registry iia.fus_user_change_cmd
Type string Value "" (default)
- Introduced new reg key to configure the LockScreen shortcut:
Registry iia.lockscreen_shortcut
Type string Value ""(default)