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Menu path: Sessions > AVD > AVD Sessions > [Session Name] > Options

See also the list of implemented features: Feature Matrix: AVD (RDP3) for IGEL OS 11.

Clipboard redirection

 Text and images from the clipboard are shared between the AVD session and the local client. 

Drive redirection

 Redirection is bound to the /media folder, so that locally mounted storage devices, including USB sticks, are forwarded to the AVD session. (Default)

Smartcard redirection

 Smartcards are forwarded to the AVD session.

Exit on last session closed

 When the last session window is closed, the entire IGEL AVD Client automatically closes. (Default)

In-session toolbar

 The in-session toolbar is enabled. (Default)

Audio output redirection

 The audio output is redirected between the AVD session and the local client. (Default)

AAC Codec

 The AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) codec used for support of audio output redirection is enabled. (Default)

Audio input redirection

 The audio input (microphone) is redirected between the local client and the AVD session. (Default)

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