You can change various settings and enable local directories.
Menu path: Setup > Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Sessions > [Session Name] > Options
Use global shadowing settings
The option Setup > Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Global > Server > Enable Shadowing will be used.
The global setting Enable shadowing will not be used for this session.
Enable shadowing
The session can be monitored remotely by shadowing via VNC.
The session cannot be remotely monitored by shadowing. (Default)
Use global resourse settings
The settings under Setup > Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Global > Options will be used. (Default)
The settings for this session are defined here.
Enable sound
Audio output will be forwarded from the server to the device. The audio data can then be played back via the built-in loudspeaker or the headset.
Audio output will not be forwarded to the device. (Default)
Enable serial port
The serial port data will be forwarded from the device to the server. The serial port can be used in the ThinLinc session.
The serial port data will not be forwarded to the server. (Default)
Enable printer
The local printer can be used in the ThinLinc session. (Default)
The local printer cannot be used in the ThinLinc session.
Enable smartcard readers
The server has access to the device’s local smartcard reader.
The server does not have access to the local smartcard reader. (Default)
Enable drive access
The server has access to local directories. These directories can be selected in the Exported Paths and Permissions area.
The server does not have access to local directories. (Default)
Options popup key: Key to be used for opening the options menu during the session. (Default: F8)