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Options of Evidian AuthMgr Sessions

Menu path: Sessions > Evidian AuthMgr > Evidian AuthMgr Sessions > [Session name] > Options

Specify further options for your Evidian AuthMgr session.

Session type
Possible values:

  • Citrix ICA

  • RDP

  • VMware Horizon


  • Custom

If you have selected the user-defined session type, you can enter your own start and stop commands here:

Custom start command: Command that is executed when the card is inserted. (Example: /wfs/start.bash)

Custom stop command: Command that is executed when the card is removed. (Example: /wfs/stopp.bash)

Language selection: Language selection of catalog messages.
Possible values:

  • Automatic (Default)

  • English (UK)

  • English (US)

  • German

  • French

  • Custom

Custom catalog of messages: Choose here the file for the custom catalog of messages. (Default: /services/evidian/share/locale/en/

Availability message

A message is shown when the authentication tool is available.

A message is not shown when the authentication tool is available. 

Tapping mode

The operating mode can be changed by briefly tapping the card on the reader. Each tap triggers an action.

The operating mode cannot be changed by tapping the card on the reader. 

Delay for dynamic tapping: Tapping delay in seconds. 

Allow password authentication

Password is required for the authentication.

Password is not required for the authentication.

Allow password forgotten

Resetting the password is allowed.

Resetting the password is not allowed.

Default domain name for password authentication: Domain name used by default for password authentication.

Debug mode

Debug mode is activated, and all outputs are switched to the default error output.

Debug mode is deactivated.

Level for trace: Specifies the trace level. The level of detail of the log messages decreases as you move down through the selection list.
Possible values:

  • none

  • low

  • medium

  • high

  • details

Use configuration file

Instead of the preconfigured session, a custom configuration file is used. All other session settings are ignored.

A custom configuration file is not used. 

Path: Path to the configuration file with file name. (Example: /etc/rsUserAuth/rsUserAuth.ini)

UPN format

 The UPN (User Principal Name) format for credentials is allowed.

 The UPN format cannot be used.

No trivial PIN code

 A trivial PIN, i.e. consisting of three or more consecutive numbers or identical digits, is not allowed. 

 A PIN can consist of three or more consecutive numbers or identical digits. (Example: 2345, 1111)

4-eye authentication

 4-eye authentication is enabled. For details, see

 4-eye authentication is disabled. 

Ignore smartcard removal on this reader: You can ignore the removal of the smartcard/RFID badge on the reader which you specify here via the reader's name or its product ID. The use of wildcards is possible. Example: *3x21*

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