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Password-Protecting Sessions and Accessories


Sessions can be used to access corporate resources, while the accessories in IGEL OS can be used to make changes to the local system. If you do not want to disable certain sessions or accessories completely, you can set passwords to restrict access to them.


By default, sessions do not have passwords set. In IGEL Setup, you can set a password on the Desktop Integration page of a session or accessory.

To enable password protection:

  1. In the Setup, go to the relevant Desktop Integration page. The path has the following pattern: Sessions > [session type] > [session name] > Desktop Integration.
    For accessories, go to Accessories > [accessory name].
  2. Set Password Protection to
    • Administrator to require the Administrator password, or
    • User to require the User password, or
    • Setup User to require the Setup User password.
  3. Click Apply.
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