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Screen Flickers on Intel Devices, Error Log Shows " [drm] *ERROR* CPU pipe C FIFO underrun"


  • Intel devices with IGEL OS 12.08.200


On Intel devices, the screen flickers. The error logs contain lines like the following (example):

Nov 09 14:21:58 M-TC-12883 kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] *ERROR* CPU pipe C FIFO underrun


Use one of the following methods to resolve the issue:

  • In the UMS Configuration Dialog or the local Setup of the affected devices, go to System > Registry and make the following changes:

    • Under x > drivers > preferred driver, enter "intel".

    • Set x > drivers > intel.use_modesetting to false.

  • Downgrade your devices to a version lower than 11.08.200.

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