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Menu path: Setup > Sessions > RDP > Remote Desktop Web Access > Server

In this area, you can specify the server configuration.

The Web Access page for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 can also be used on a Linux endpoint device in the Firefox browser. See Via Browser.

Server configuration
Possible values:

  • "Predefined configuration": You can define several server connections with the same user access data. The user must enter their access data and the domain in the login window. See Predefined Configuration.

  • "Ask user": The connection is preconfigured on the server side. The user only needs to enter their corporate e-mail address. See Ask User.

Server location: These settings are needed if Server configuration is set to "Predefined configuration".

Possible values:

  • "http://"

  • "https://"

RD Web Access Server: Name of the Web Access server

Path to web portal (Default: /rdweb/feed/webfeed.aspx)

Enable gateway support
Possible values:

  • "Global settings"

  • "Session settings"

  • "Off"

Gateway address: If you would like to carry over the session settings, you must also specify the gateway address.

Domains: Domain of the Web Access server

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