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Setup Areas

The setup application comprises the following main areas:

  • Sessions: Allows you to configure application sessions such as ICA, RDP, PowerTerm, browser and others

  • Accessories: Allows you to configure various local tools - setup pages for the local shell (Terminal), sound mixer, screen keyboard (for touchscreen monitors), options for the Application Launcher and the setup application itself.

  • User Interface: Allows you to configure display settings, entry devices, hotkey commands etc.

  • Network: Allows you to configure all network settings for LAN/WLAN interfaces and the dial-up connections

  • Devices: Allows you to configure various devices

  • Security: Allows you to set the administrator/user passwords and user authorizations etc.

  • System: Allows you to set various basic system parameters including the date and time, information regarding the firmware update, remote management etc.

→ Click on one of the areas to open up the relevant sub-structure.

The tree structure allows you to switch between the setup options.

Three navigation buttons are available. The buttons allow you to move back and forth between the setup pages you have visited or reach the next level up within the structure.

You will find a more detailed description of the individual setup options elsewhere. This is merely a brief overview.

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