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Signature Pad

Menu path: Setup > User Interface > Input > Signature Pad

You can connect signature pads from the following manufacturers here:

  • StepOver;
  • signotec.


  • Enable StepOver TCP Client

    ☑ The StepOver TCP Client is enabled and you can use USB signature pads from this manufacturer in sessions.

    ☐ The StepOver TCP Client is not enabled. (Default)

  • Listening TCP port: If necessary, you can change the TCP port. (Default: 8888)


  • Enable signotec VCOM daemon

    ☑ The signotec VCOM daemon is enabled and you can use USB signature pads from this manufacturer in sessions.

    ☐ The signotec VCOM daemon is not enabled. (Default)

See also the tip & trick Connecting Signature Pads.

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