Start Menu
Menu path: Setup > User Interface > Desktop > Start Menu
In this area, you can configure the desktop start menu:
Start menu type:
Auto: A default setting that automatically selects the advanced or legacy type of the start menu depending on the processor. (Default)
Advanced: An expanded start menu featuring a search function and a more attractive design. It requires more resources, which is particularly noticeable on slow devices.
Legacy: A start menu resembles the one from Windows 95 – a list of available sessions and options.
Options in Start Menu
Select which options are to be shown in the start menu:
System tab
Show current user name in About, Application Launcher and start menu
The current user will be shown at the top edge of the relevant window.
The current user will not be shown.
In order for user names to be recognized and passed on, you must configure two settings beforehand:- Enable Active Directory/Kerberos: Security > Active Directory/Kerberos
- Enable local logon: Security > Logon > Active Directory/Kerberos