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Troubleshooting: Solve SpaceMouse USB Reset Problem


Valid for IGEL hardware H850C, H830C, and M340C


After a previous Citrix session, the SpaceMouse does not function properly (e.g. after the end of the Citrix session, the reset of the SpaceMouse does not take place; as a result, the display of the SpaceMouse always remains bright).


Use a power cycle command to automatically turn all USB devices off and on again:

  1. In IGEL Setup, go to System > Firmware Customization > Custom Commands > Post Session.

  2. Under Session type, select Citrix.

  3. Under Post session command, enter the following command: /etc/igel/usb-power-reset/igel-usb-power-ctl -p cycle

    You do not need root permissions for this action.

As a result of the configured USB power cycle, after the end of the Citrix session, the display of the SpaceMouse should become dark for about 1 second and then bright again.

See also How to Connect a SpaceMouse with a Citrix Session.

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