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User-Defined Options

Menu path: Setup > Network > DHCP Client > User-Defined Options

→ To create a new entry, click on image-20240626-155832.png in the List of custom options area.

For more information regarding these options, see the manual for your DHCP server or your network components.

  • Enabled

    ☑ The option is enabled. (default)

    ☐ The action is not enabled.

  • Option Name: Add a prefix of your own in order to prevent a conflict with the default DHCP options. Example of the syntax: [YourPrefix]-[OptionName]. English letters, numbers and the special character “-” are allowed.

  • Code: A number that is used by the DHCP server and DHCP client to reference an option. A number between 80 and 254 can be chosen. (default: 80)

  • Data Type: Type of option. Possible values:
    integer 8
    integer 16
    integer 32
    signed integer 8
    signed integer 16
    signed integer 32
    unsigned integer 8
    unsigned integer 16
    unsigned integer 32
    ip address

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