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Managing Product Packs

Getting the Current License Usage and Other Details

  1. Click ICG aktualisieren to refresh the license information from the license server.

  2. Select the desired Product Pack and click image-20240718-154652.png. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.
    The details for this Product Pack are shown.

Deleting a Product Pack

If you delete a Product Pack, it is no longer registered in the UMS and therefore can not be used for automatic license deployment any longer.

→ Select a Product Pack and click image-20240718-154707.png to delete it from the UMS. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.

Deactivating a Product Pack

License Activation as of April 1st, 2021

With Product Packs that have been purchased since April the 1st of 2021, all licenses are activated at the date of invoice.

With Product Packs that have been purchased before April the 1st, 2021, all licenses are activated when the first license is assigned to a device.

If you deactivate a Product Pack, it is no longer available for license deployment. Its licenses will not be assigned to any devices.

→ Select a Product Pack and click image-20240718-154734.png to deactivate it. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.

Activating a Product Pack

License Activation as of April 1st, 2021

With Product Packs that have been purchased since April the 1st of 2021, all licenses are activated at the date of invoice.

With Product Packs that have been purchased before April the 1st, 2021, all licenses are activated when the first license is assigned to a device.

You can activate a Product Pack that has been deactivated.

→ Select a Product Pack and click image-20240718-154746.png to deactivate it. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.

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