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Manual License Deployment for IGEL OS without UMS

The method described here is a quick and easy way to deploy a license on a single device which has not yet been configured by the UMS. First, you get your license file from a Product Pack. Then, you use the device's Setup Assistant to deploy it on the device either via HTTP download, FTP, or from a USB memory stick.

Getting the License File from the IGEL Licensing Portal

If your Product Pack has been purchased before September 3rd of 2021, you must redeem the Delivery Token first; see Redeeming a Delivery Token (Legacy).

  1. In the IGEL License Portal (ILP), go to Orders and open the details for the order that contains your Product Pack.

    The order details are shown.

  2. Open the management dialog for your Product Pack.

  3. Click Add hardware.

    The dialog for adding hardware opens.

  4. To add hardware, you have the following options:

    • Upload the CSV containing the unit IDs via drag & drop

    • Upload the CSV containing the unit IDs via the Upload button

      For more information on how to create a unit ID list, see Creating a Unit ID List for IGEL OS.

    • Click image-20240612-125501.png to enter unit IDs manually


      The newly added hardware is displayed.

  5. Click OK.

    The dialog for adding hardware is closed; your license file is ready for download.

  6. Click Download.

  7. Save the license file (*.lic) to a suitable location.

Deploying the License on the Device

  1. Go to the device, start it and step through the device's Setup Assistant.

  2. At the step Activate Your IGEL OS, follow the instructions of the Alternative License Deployment section under Setup Assistant for IGEL OS.

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