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Current Workflow of IGEL Agent for Imprivata (IAFI)

Authentication Only

Follow Imprivata Policies and




Imprivata appliance is used to authenticate the user but does not use the VDA user/computer policies to automate the workflow. 

IGEL Agent receives user credentials delivered securely from the Imprivata ProveID Web API and authenticates the user into a local (IGEL) preconfigured session of a VDI client 


  • Required for Microsoft AVD / Win 365 CloudPC workflows 

  • Can also be used for Citrix, VMWare, MS RDP workflows 

Requires VDA policy setup on the Imprivata appliance (user and computer) 

 Utilizes the VDA workflow policies like the PIE agent to automate the workflow 

  • Does not use an IGEL preconfigured session like Authentication Only workflow

Supports (on-prem) Citrix, Horizon or MS RDP only 

Provides an IGEL Chooser to display multiple apps or desktops if applicable 

Supports Imprivata FUS workflows 

  • Imprivata Epic Only 

  • Virtual Kiosk (Desktop or Shared Hosted) 



Augments Imprivata VDA feature with additional workflow customization outside of current VDA policy options. 

  • Customer must own VDA licenses 

 Adds support for native Cloud hosted VDI, DaaS or virtual apps. 

Support to launch a preselected resource based on location – Location Based Override of VDA policies 

Support for commonly used Imprivata VDA policy workflows but in an IGEL non-appliance mode option that allows access to the local IGEL desktop. 

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