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How to Enable Multiple Monitors for IGEL Agent for Imprivata

When enabled, the IGEL Agent for Imprivata (IAFI) lock screen officially supports two monitors. 

  • The resolution must be the same as well as the orientation (landscape). 

  • By default, when enabling two monitors, IGEL OS will automatically detect the resolution. If both monitors are the same, this is all you should need. 

To enable multi-monitor support, create a profile as follows:


  • Within UMS Web App – Configuration, select the icon to create a new profile

  • In the Profile Configurator, select App Selector and choose the IGEL OS Base System.

  • Go to User Interface - Display Settings and enable “Activate screen configuration”.

  • Under General Settings – Number of Screens, select two (2)

  • For Screen resolution, select Autodetect

If the monitors are not the same, you may need to manually set the monitors to the same resolution.

  • For Screen rotation, select None

Only landscape orientation is supported

  • Select the “Save and close” button and then assign the profile to the device directory where you want to apply the setting.

Display Setting.png


  • Within UMS Java console, select the option to create a new profile

  • In the Profile Configurator, go to User Interface - Display – and enable Activate screen configuration

  • Number of Screens should be two (2)

  • For Screen resolution, select Autodetect

  • For Screen rotation, orientation should be landscape only

  • Select “Save” button and then assign the profile to the device directory where you want to apply the setting.

    IGEL OS.png

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