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IGEL Agent for Imprivata (IAFI) - General Feature Overview


11.09.150 and higher / OS 12 – 0.3.8 

Logon Screen with Customization 

  • Compact Mode (default setting) 

  • Full Lock Screen 

  • Custom Wallpapers 

  • Specify Default Domain 


Primary Authentication Methods 

  • Password 

  • Password + Change PW (expired PW) 

  • Password + Change PW (New PW invalid) 

  • Proximity Card – no 2nd factor 

  • Proximity Card + PW 

  • Proximity Card + PIN 

  • Proximity Card + PIN (PIN not enrolled) 

  • Tap Proximity Card to Lock / Unlock 

  • Tap Over previous user 

  • Grace period for second authentication factor (PIN or Password) 



  • Password  

  • Proximity Cards / Number of cards allowed to enroll / Allow users to enroll replacement card 

  • Imprivata PIN / PIN Length / Expiration / 

  • Do Not Allow / Complex PIN 

  • Question & Answer 

Automatic License Deployment for IAFI WE Add-On License 

Multi-Monitor Support 

  • Tested with two / must be same resolution

Appliance Failover 

Reports Agent / OS version into the Appliance 


Virtualization Workflows 

  • Microsoft AVD  Desktops and Apps / Windows 365 / RDP 

  • Citrix Apps and Desktops 

  • VMWare Apps and Desktops 

Follow Policies Mode 

  • Location Based resource selection to override chooser 

  • Desktop Chooser (if more than one resource) 

  • Kiosk Modes with Fast User Switching** 

Citrix Virtualized sessions + IGEL local desktop access 


Imprivata Virtual Channel Support 

  • MS AVD/W365 CPC / Citrix / VMWare 

  • Proximity Card Readers Only 

Non-OneSign User VDI Access 

  • Follow Policies VDA setting 

Authentication Devices 

  • rfIDeas readers / Imprivata branded 

  • HID Omnikey / still qualifying models 

Logging Levels 

  • Debug, Info, Critical

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