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Overview - IGEL and Imprivata Agent Options

This overview was taken from the IGEL Agent for Imprivata (IAFI) Configuration Guide PDF.

ProveID Embedded - PIE Agent

IGEL Agent for Imprivata (IAFI)

Built and Maintained by Imprivata

Built and Maintained by IGEL

IGEL Appliance Mode Only Experience

  • No IGEL local desktop access

Non-Appliance Mode Experience

  • Allows IGEL local desktop access

Uses ProveID Web API

  • Requires Imprivata VDA licensing

  • Imprivata and IGEL OS Version dependencies

Uses ProveID Web API

  • Requires Imprivata VDA licensing

  • Backward compatible to older Imprivata versions (7.6 or higher)

PIE Agent downloaded from Imprivata appliance and

installed on IGEL OS 11 via bootloader

OS 11 agent built into firmware

  • Licensed Feature - Workspace Edition Add-on that enables the feature

  • Supported use case validation required

Supported workflows, use cases and roadmap developed by Imprivata

Supported workflows, use cases and roadmap developed by IGEL

Not supported on IGEL OS 12

OS 12 app available in the IGEL App Portal

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