Apache Derby as a Data Source for the IGEL UMS
The following article explains how you can connect an Apache Derby external database as a data source for your IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) installation.
For details on the supported database systems, see the "Supported Environment" section of the release notes. Details of the requirements when installing and operating the database can be found in the documentation for the particular DBMS.
As with other external databases, we recommend that you create a new database instance for use by the IGEL UMS.
Perform the following steps to create a new database instance inside the Derby Database Administration, then define this instance as a data source in the UMS Administrator:
For security purposes, enable User Authentication in the Derby DB.
Launch the ij Utility (in [
).To create the database instance
, execute the following command:connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/rmdb;user=dbm;password=dbmpw;create=true';
Create the schema
using the following command:create schema rmlogin;
Define the UMS database user
with the passwordrmpassword
:CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.user.rmlogin', 'rmpassword');
Exit ij and launch the Derby Network Server.
In the UMS Administrator > Datasource, create a new data source with the following parameters:
DB type:Derby
Host: Name of the Derby Server
Port: Port of the Derby Server. (Default: 1527)
Database / SID:rmdb
For general information on creating a data source in the UMS Administrator, see How to Set Up a Data Source in the IGEL UMS Administrator.
For further information regarding the installation of the Derby database, see http://db.apache.org/derby.