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Firmware Customization Details

  • Name: Name of the firmware customization

  • Use case: "Bootsplash"

  • Image: Name of the selected image file

    • Choose file: All files registered in the UMS in a suitable format (*.jpg, *bmp, *png) and for which your have authorizations are shown here.

    • Upload file: Select a file from a local directory or from the UMS server.

    • Clear: Deletes the image file shown under Image.

For the bootsplash, the device obtains the selected file from the UMS via HTTPS as soon as it is required.

  • Horizontal position: Horizontal position of the bootsplash. (default: 50%)

  • Vertical position: Vertical position of the bootsplash. (default: 50%)

  • Progress horizontal position: Horizontal position of the progress bar. (default: 90%)

  • Progress vertical position: Vertical position of the progress bar. (default: 90%)

Firmware Customization Assignment

Assignment of the devices for which the customizations are to apply.

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