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IGEL Cloud Gateway - Managing an ICG Connection in the IGEL UMS

You can connect the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) to one or more IGEL Cloud Gateways (ICG).

For details of how to set up all components for a connection to ICG, see IGEL Cloud Gateway > ICG Manual > IGEL Cloud Gateway Installation and Setup.

Menu path: UMS Administration > UMS Network > IGEL Cloud Gateway

Install a new IGEL Cloud Gateway with the ICG Remote Installer

See IGEL Cloud Gateway > ICG Manual > IGEL Cloud Gateway Installation and Setup.

Uninstall the selected IGEL Cloud Gateway with the ICG Remote Installer. If the IGEL Cloud Gateway has been uninstalled with this function, it can be reinstalled using the ICG Remote Installer.

Update the selected IGEL Cloud Gateway with the ICG Update Wizard

See IGEL Cloud Gateway > ICG Manual > Administration > Updating the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG).

Update the keystore of the selected IGEL Cloud Gateway with the Update Keystore Wizard

For renewing the end certificate, see IGEL Cloud Gateway > ICG Manual > Administration > Renewing a Signed Certificate for the ICG.

For exchanging the root certificate, see IGEL Cloud Gateway > ICG Manual > Administration > Exchanging the Root Certificate for ICG.

Add an existing IGEL Cloud Gateway to the UMS database. This IGEL Cloud Gateway must be reachable.

Remove the selected IGEL Cloud Gateway from the UMS database permanently.

If you remove an IGEL Cloud Gateway from the UMS database, you can not add it to the UMS database again. In most cases, it is preferable to uninstall the IGEL Cloud Gateway and then reinstall it using the ICG Remote Installer.

Edit the settings of the selected IGEL Cloud Gateway


Navigate to the ICG instance view

Set a limit for ICG connections (ICG 2.02 or higher required)

Add an IGEL Cloud Gateway to the UMS Database

  • Display name: Display name of the gateway. The maximal length of the name is restricted to 200 characters.

  • Host: DNS name or IP address of the gateway

  • Port: TCP port on which the gateway is listening. (Default: 8443)

  • Host (external): External DNS name/IP address of the gateway

  • Port (external): TCP port on which the gateway is listening for external connections

  • Proxy Server Settings:

    • No proxy server: Direct connection to ICG

    • Use default proxy server: Use the proxy server which is configured as default in Proxy Server

    • Use selected proxy server: Select a proxy server from the list

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