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Known Issue: UMS Cannot Connect to the MS SQL Database

The problem applies to windows environments only. UMS Console only installations are not affected.


The UMS cannot connect to the database after the update to UMS 12.04.100. This applies to UMS Server service igelRMGUIServer and UMS Administrator application.


  • UMS 12.04.100
  • Windows Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server database using AD native authentication
  • DB Type:
    • SQL Server AD native
    • SQL Server Cluster AD native


The reason for this issue is a windows library shipped in the wrong version (mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.0.x64.dll).

A possible work-around is to manually replace the library at two locations in UMS installation:

  • [UMS installation directory]/rmguiserver/bin/ mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.0.x64
  • [UMS installation directory]/rmadmin/mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.0.x64

Replace the two files with version 12.4.2 of the library: mssql-jdbc_auth-12.4.2.x64. This can be found in Maven Central repository:

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.