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Resolved Issues IGEL UMS 12.03.100

UMS, Common

  • Fixed: Network adapter information of the device was only updated on boot, but not during settings transfer.
  • Fixed: Stdout and stderr log files are now cleared upon restart of UMS Server on Linux.
  • Fixed: Error log messages were not written to device authentication log in some cases.


  • Updated: ActiveMQ to version 5.18.3 to fix critical security vulnerability ISN-2023-27.

Console, Administration

  • Fixed: The edit dialog of an Active Directory Service that is using the LDAPS connection, always showed the default port (UMS Administration > Active Directory/LDAP).


  • Fixed: Some firmwares were not deleted when the Remove unused firmwares action was performed.

Unified Protocol

  • Fixed: Errors after OS12 upgrade of an OS11 device which is managed via ICG.
  • Fixed: Error log messages were not written to device authentication log in some cases.

Device Service

  • Fixed: Group permissions for Template Keys were not considered.
  • Fixed: Password reset in ConfigDialog for Devices was not possible.

Device Connector

  • Fixed: The OS12 management connection logged entries with "ICG connected" even if it was not connected.

IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG)

  • Fixed: If no public port was configured for an ICG and the internal port was not set to the default (8443) the wrong port was sent to OS12 devices.


  • Fixed: Result of views with last boot time criterion (absolute and relative) did not contain OS12 devices.

Console, web start

  • Changed: Removed Java Web Start support.

UMS Web App


  • Fixed: Priority Profiles now show included Apps.
  • Fixed: AD group members are now able to see their template keys


  • Changed: Increased the maximum file size for apps to be prepared for bigger OS 12 Versions
  • Fixed: Error in calculation of usage: The number "how often a base system version is used" was sometimes too low. Devices that had the OS-Version installed but had not fully registered were not considered.
  • Fixed: The version info of some apps showed contradictory information (the list vs. the details section). 


  • Fixed: It was possible to assign multiple values of a (Boolean) Template Key
  • Changed: Additional WQL autocompletion support: Customers will now get autocompletion support if they edit the middle of a WQL-query string.
  • Changed: Additional WQL autocompletion support: The autocompletion feature for the query language now has a better handling for whitespaces during autocomplete.
  • Changed: Add Renderer: "Runtime since last Boot" & "Total Uptime" - values in column is now human readable.
  • Fixed: For embedded Databases numeric-only values were not found using the "any-field".
  • Fixed: Last Boot Time was not shown for OS12 Devices.
  • Fixed: For embedded Databases pre-registered devices were not searchable.
  • Fixed: Users could be present in the database twice.
  • Fixed: Installations using "SQL Server AD Native" were not able to use the search function in the WebApp. 


  • Fixed: Various typos 

Configuration Dialog

  • Fixed: Some parameters could not be configured in the dialog.
  • Fixed: The translated values are now shown in tables for range parameters.
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