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Resolved Issues UMS 12.01.110

Release 12.01.110


  • Fixed: Improved performance of Advanced Health Status update.  

Universal Firmware Update

  • Fixed: DB error importing Honeywell OS Firmware Update zip file in the UMS. 

Console, common

  • Changed: The behavior to display a service license name from always updating the name whenever a new device is registered to only updating the name when a device with newer firmware is registered.


  • Fixed: In the creation dialog of a view with the criterion 'Installed Apps', not all available app states were shown. 

Default Directory Rules

  • Fixed: In the creation dialog of a Default Directory Rule with the criterion 'Installed Apps', not all available app states were shown.

Unified Protocol

  • Fixed: Pre-imported devices can now also be registered.
  • Changed: Communication within the UMS Server will now always use 'localhost' instead of the configured UMS address

UMS Web App


  • Fixed: Deleting of a selected profile (in the UMS Console) could lead to an endless spinner in the UMS Web App > Configuration.         


  • Fixed: Apps that do not have an EULA will no longer show the "warning icon" for an unaccepted EULA.
  • Fixed: Versions of apps will now always correctly be compared (from oldest to newest).
  • Changed: The App Portal will be notified about all imported versions – not only the ones with an accepted EULA.
  • Changed: Apps with malformed icons will no longer lead to broken user interfaces.  


  • Fixed: Different custom properties with the same value will now be displayed correctly and are editable again.
  • Fixed: Commands sent to an OS12 endpoint will now be logged via unified logging.
  • Fixed: If Elastic Search was temporarily unavailable, the list of devices could not be loaded.
  • Fixed: If Elastic Search was temporarily unavailable, the list of assigned objects could not be loaded


  • Fixed: The sum of all connected devices of an IGEL Cloud Gateway will now correctly include OS12 devices. 


  • Changed: The page default (how many objects are loaded) was changed to "100"

Release 12.01.100

UMS common

  • Changed: Updated driver for MS SQL Server datasources.
  • Fixed: Failed device requests were not always counted in the request statistics of the process.
  • Fixed: The automatic registration of devices was not working.
  • Changed: Fallback for HTTPS requests to the UMS Server is now the last known IP. Formerly, it was the host.
  • Fixed: 'On-the-fly' changes of logging during runtime works for all UMS components.
  • Fixed: Last boot-time in GUI now shows the last boot-time stored in the database table of the device.
  • Fixed: Last boot-time in the database table of device now contains correct boot-time.
  • Fixed: Server performance dropped if scanning for devices ran into an error.
  • Fixed: Device import from CSV file via command line didn't work anymore.

Console, common

  • Fixed: Save icon was not enabled for devices if the user has the access right to 'Edit System Information'
  • Fixed: The number of deployed licenses was not shown correctly when devices were licensed manually.
  • Fixed: 'Save support information..' (Help -> Save support information...) failed if ICG certificates in the used certificate chain have the same display name.
  • Fixed: When the shift key was held while clicking 'Delete' in a devices context menu, the device was not deleted directly but moved in the bin.
  • Fixed: Collection of the console log files via 'Save Support Information...' did not take the selected 'days back' into account (Help -> Save Support Information...).

Console, administration section

  • Changed: UMS Licensing ID certificate files are now exported with the ".crt" extension.
  • Changed: It is no longer possible to create more than one first authentication key with the same password (UMS Administration > Global Configuration > First-authentication keys).

IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG)

  • Fixed: Primary key violation occurred while processing connection status information of ICG-managed devices.
  • Fixed: ICG Gateways are not removed from the UMS when installed on the same host with different ports

Server, common

  • Fixed: A device which is connected via ICG to the UMS no longer receives settings and other messages once the TC Key has changed or is lost.
  • Fixed: Secure Terminal / Secure shadowing failed for devices connected over ICG when the devices were configured to send periodic heartbeat signal.


  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, the result dialog was not shown when a device was removed offline.


  • Fixed: The profile setting 'OpenVPN - Set Auto' did not persist after copying or importing a profile, where the setting was enabled.

Device Service

  • Fixed: The configuration dialog of the UMS Web App for profiles showed predefined firmware settings for OS11 devices in some cases.


  • Fixed: It was not possible to go back to the panel of the 'Installed Apps' criterion after it was combined with another criterion in the view creation dialog.
  • Fixed: The auto-completion popup was not displayed when 'in' was typed as the beginning of a criterion.
  • Fixed: Criteria in views are not always properly converted from Text Mode to Graphical Mode.
  • Fixed: Syntax error visualization (red squiggly underline) in View Queries were always displayed at unrelated text in the first line when entering multi-line queries.
  • Fixed: Error occurred for views consisting of several device license criteria combined with AND and OR.

Installer (Windows)

  • Fixed: UMS Server now starts only if the DB exists.
  • Fixed: A High Availability token file was not created on the first HA installation when a path was provided for this file but did not exist.
  • Fixed: The version number in the Windows start menu program group is never updated on update installations and has been stripped to conform to Windows guidelines.

Installer (Linux)

  • Fixed: UMS Console and Administrator applications did not show proper application name in Gnome Shell taskbar
  • Fixed: UMS Server now starts only if the DB exists.

Administrator application

  • Fixed: Enabling and disabling SSL-only connections via 'umsadmin-cli' showed '-1' for the Java Webstart port when ports are listed afterwards.
  • Fixed: Copying an embedded database to any external type (e.g. SQL, Postgre) via Administrator CLI was broken.

UMS Web App


  • Fixed: A bug was present that showed values in profiles, which consist of an URL, incorrectly.


  • Fixed: The fingerprint of the certificate of a server will now be shown correctly.
  • Added: The fingerprint of the root certificate of a server will also be shown, if known to the system.


  • Changed: The area for command buttons is now better used.
  • Fixed: Public address (if defined) will now be used for shadowing via the unified protocol.
  • Fixed: The tooltip for the disabled edit button for custom properties was not shown.
  • Fixed: If the certificate is missing for a shadow session, the UMS Web App will now be able to retrieve it automatically.


  • Fixed: Commands "Reboot", "Shutdown" and "Suspend" resulted in missleading log messages.


  • Fixed: Certain errors resulted in Stacktrace being shown to the end user.
  • Fixed: Name of devices/profiles/folders was not fully visible in the header even if there was enough space.
  • Changed: A filter term with space in the beginning or end produces the same result as without spaces.
  • Changed: To give cleaner optics the splitter is no longer visible, but will keep its function.
  • Changed: The design of dialogs was improved.
  • Changed: Some dialogs can now be closed with the "X" icon and by hitting "Esc".
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