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First-authentication Keys in the IGEL UMS

You can use first-authentication keys to onboard IGEL OS 12 devices in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS). For more information see the documentation How to Start with IGEL > Onboarding IGEL OS 12 Devices.

Menu path: UMS Administration > Global Configuration > First-authentication Keys

Menu Buttons

Create new first-authentication keys

Delete logon data

Disable logon data

Enable logon data

Icon Mailen

Send one-time passwords via mail

Export one-time passwords (in XML, HTML or CSV format)

Icon Kopieren

Allows you to copy one-time passwords to the clipboard

If you send one-time passwords via mail, anyone who can read the mail can log in to the IGEL Cloud Gateway. It is advisable to combine sending via mail with a link to unit IDs.

Create new first-authentication keys

You have the following options here:

  • Create new one-time keys

    • Quantity: Desired number of passwords to be created

  • Create new one-time keys associated with a device

    • Unit ID
      - Add: Adds unit ID entered in the text field to the list.
      - Select: Selects from the devices in the UMS structure tree.
      - Import: Reads in a CSV file with unit IDs.

  • Create new mass-deployment key

    • Generate random mass-deployment key:

      ☑ A random multiple-time password will be generated. (Default)

      ☐ You can enter the desired password yourself.

It is not possible to create more than one first-authentication key with the same password.

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